Saturday, February 15, 2014

Red Rocks and Wild Horses

Nothing says "wild west" like a mustang! Dan and Ashley saw a few back in '09 while I was at work, but we haven't seen them since, despite several drives to areas that they have been known to frequent. I was telling a co-worker this last week that I have never seen one, and she suggested the Big Horn Recreational Area. She said that they "always" see them there. Sounds good to me!

Since we started a photography class this morning, we couldn't leave town until afternoon. The sunshine felt so good after all the snow and cold temps that we have had of late! When we got to the recreational area, we pulled off at an overlook to photograph the canyon and the river. Sure enough, there were a couple of wild horses grazing on the other side of the canyon. Unfortunately, they were probably half a mile away ~ a little much even for the big lens. 

We got back in the truck and drove to the end of the pavement. Coming back out, we were saying, "At least we saw them." Just then, we rounded a corner and there she was ~ a beautiful little mustang mare! She even trotted obligingly toward the truck before going out of sight around the bend. NOW we were satisfied. Not much later, we encountered a couple of coyotes in the road, but they were going straight away from us ~ not a flattering pose even for a slender young canine. 

Winter afternoons are so short! The daylight was running out on us, so the day's photo shoot was over and it was time to go home for dinner. 

1 comment:

  1. We saw them the only time we were there. What am awesome area, along with the beautiful horses. Charity had a hard time believing they were really wild.
    Bare ground looks pretty marvelous. That is something we haven't seen for quite a while.
