Friday, February 17, 2017

On My Own

So I did something today that I almost never do... I went out picture-taking all by myself. Dan had to work (boo!), so I dropped him off and finished up the errands in town. By the time I got home, I was hungry. So I popped a dvd into the player and settled into the recliner with my lunch. 

But the mild temperature and sunny skies kept calling me to come and play outside. So I gave in, grabbed the tripod and camera bag, and headed for South Pond. I was hoping for ducks, but the pond was completely frozen over. I took some pictures along the shore, but the park is a pretty small piece of acreage. I needed another spot.

I thought the inside of this milkweed pod was interesting. 
So I got back in the car and took back roads towards Park City. I tried a fishing access, but the puddles were pretty deep. (Remembering that I had left Dan at work without a vehicle, I figured I'd better not get myself stuck.) 

Daylight was running out on me, so I made a bee-line for one more recreational area. I got a few fire rainbow shots and a few setting sun shots, but neither was spectacular. 

All in all, I enjoyed the peace and quiet of being out in nature. But I definitely missed my photo buddy. Maybe tomorrow...

I don't usually consider geese to be "photo worthy,"
but I liked this silhouette.