Saturday, February 8, 2014

An Eye for Eagles

If you have been following my blog for any time at all, you will have noticed that eagles are a recurring theme. While I am not a bird-watcher by any stretch of the imagination, I never tire of seeing these huge, majestic birds. 

Eagles have obviously made a comeback due to protection. I don't recall ever seeing one when we lived in Michigan, but they are fairly common there now. Even when we moved to Montana, it was a rare treat to see one. Now, in the winter and spring, we see them nearly every time we go for a drive. But just seeing one, of course, is no guarantee of a good photograph. Golden eagles are especially challenging. They just don't stick around! But we are having lots of fun trying to get the perfect shot. 

I thought you might enjoy some of our best. While you're looking, we will be out trying for more. 


  1. Keep trying. I love seeing them, too.

  2. Keep trying. I love seeing them, too.

  3. I didn't mean to be repeating myself, but it is worth repeating. I looked and my comment was gone, so I re entered it , and of course, it reappeared making me look stupid. See why I am still anonymous? I wouldn't want to embarrass you.
