Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Thanksgiving is absolutely my favorite holiday! I love the foundation of family and counting blessings. The lack of pressure - Will she like my gift? Did I forget anybody? - probably doesn't hurt anything either.

Even growing up, this holiday was probably the best in my book. My dad was usually hunting, so our meal was almost always after dark. In the morning, my sister and I would watch the parade on television, then help Mom with meal preparations. Then it was just a matter of waiting, and waiting, and w a i t i n g for Daddy to get home.

One childhood Thanksgiving, however, clearly stands out in my mind. I don't remember exactly how many people were crammed into our tiny kitchen, but it was a lot! But the next day, it was another tiny room that was in great demand ~ EVERYBODY was sick! Looking back, we have decided that cross-contamination from the turkey to the cranberry sauce was probably to blame, because my grandpa and I were the only ones who didn't get sick. (I hate cranberry sauce and my grandpa had an iron stomach.)

These days with my family and our kids far away, our Thanksgiving is a rather quiet gathering at Dan's sister's house. She is a fabulous cook, and dinner never disappoints. Of course, with my job in retail, I will not have the day off, but at least I can join the family for dinner on my lunch hour.

However you celebrate the day, I hope you will take a moment to count your blessings. I know I will be.


  1. Of al the great memories, you had to bring THAT one up ;( ! I still love you.
