Sunday, January 13, 2019

Carpe Diem

 Since Dan and I both work 2nd shift jobs, the phrase "off to an early start" is not often heard around our house. But once in a while we get motivated to "seize the day"! 

Yesterday morning, we were on the road by 8:30. The sun was shining and the roads were clear. Our first foray was up the East Rosebud, looking for moose. Nope. We came back out of the valley and cut across to to the West Rosebud. Just before we headed up the West Rosebud, Dan spotted an owl. Unfortunately, the tangle of branches made getting a really good photo impossible. 

This cemetery on Ingersoll Road seems like a nice "final resting place."

The road up to West Rosebud and the trailhead to Mystic Lake was not so clear. In fact, it was mostly snow and ice covered and very slippery! We persevered, however, and ate a quick lunch on the shores of Emerald Lake. Again, though, wildlife was elusive. Coming back down, we paused for a few minutes to aid another driver in pulling his stuck vehicle out of the ditch. 

We had enough daylight for one more valley, so we made our way over to Nye and up past the Stillwater Mine to the Souix Charley Lake trailhead. We still didn't find moose, and the big horn sheep were not in sight, either. 

At least the eagles were cooperative!

We came home through Beehive and along the Stillwater River. We squeezed every last ray of sunlight out of the day before coming home for dinner.


  1. It’s great to hear about the adventure sometimes we don’t get to go out and it’s nice to feel like you did when we follow your adventures.

  2. The owl is really neat , even if it doesn't meet your photography standards. Is there ice in the trees above the slippery road? We had gorgeous trees yesterday, with frozen droplets hanging, and the sun shining through them.

  3. No ice in the trees. The ice on the road was packed down, then slightly thawed, then refrozen. Nice and smooth and very slick!
