Friday, December 27, 2013

"Be ver-wy, ver-wy quiet..."

"... we're hunting wabbits!" ~ Elmer Fudd
Coolest rainbow EVER!!

I had every intention of staying home and being domestic today, but Dan had to point out that the sun was shining. He called up a friend of ours who is ALWAYS willing to go four-wheeling with us, especially if there is snow involved. Grif suggested that we go down to Belfry and check out the rabbit population. His son John also joined us, and once again we were off and running.
If at first you don't succeed...
The guys said that I should take the lead, since I am the "light-weight" of the group (whatever...), so away I went. But it didn't take long to find a drift big enough to stop me. I backed up and hit it again. Now I was STUCK! The boys got me loose and I backed up farther and hit it faster. SUCCESS!
...try, try again.

The bunnies made themselves scarce, so we just rode. Eventually we came to a drifted incline that just wouldn't be conquered. I tried at least three times, and once again, the guys had to come to my rescue. Grif gave it a go, but only got a little farther than I did. We decided to call it a day.
The truck was in sight when we came to the last Y in the road. Knowing that the guys would follow me (Dan says males are stupid that way!), I turned away from the truck and hit the throttle. What a blast! The road looped back to the truck and we were losing daylight, oh, and I was hungry, so we packed it up.
                                                 Nope, not this time.
Maybe tomorrow I will get the Christmas tree down... If the sun doesn't shine!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had lot more fun than Fudd ever did! How come you had to break the trail for those guys?
