We just got home from six days in Pipestone, and I am counting my blessings...
ONE awesome vacation! At some point this week, I commented to Dan, "Who needs Cancun?" Seriously... rather than the stress of airports, agendas, and way too many people, I spent six days relaxing with friends. As Dawn said, "Food, fun, and friends!" We rode 200+ miles without incident, explored historic places, and soaked in the beauty of God's creation.
TWO refreshing rainstorms. It rained on us on Sunday afternoon, but not for long. It was still a little chilly, but we rode anyway. Starting Monday morning, the weather got progressively nicer all week long. In fact, we all came in from our ride on Thursday with a little pink to our skin. But by late afternoon, we were racing clouds and wind, and just as we got back to the campers, big raindrops started to fall. So we sat in Rick and Dawn's camper playing SkipBo and enjoying the thunder.
THREE cozy campers. From our windows, we could see the spot where Dan and I pitched our tent the first time we came to Pipestone. It rained on us that night, too. I can't say that I miss tent camping.
FOUR mountain ranges. Because we came up on Saturday this year (typically we have arrived mid-week), we didn't get "our" spot. We were a little disappointed at first, but our disappointment quickly faded as the day trippers began clearing out and the setting sun lit up the mountain peaks. (Peaks that are not visible from our usual campsite.)
FIVE fabulous friends. As recently as two weeks ago before we left, our group numbered nine. But as it got closer to time to go, others started dropping out. By the time we actually arrived in Pipestone, we were back to our original five. That's okay with us, although we wouldn't mind sharing, either.
No, THIS way... |
SIX animal sightings. We usually don't see a lot of wildlife on this particular outing. (Maybe the machines are too loud or maybe we just aren't paying enough attention.) Sunday morning, Dan photographed two male bluebirds who were far more concerned about fighting with each other than they were about the human. Sunday afternoon, we saw three elk and a whole lot of deer. On Monday, Grif was a lucky man indeed when he spotted a mountain lion! He was, regrettably, the only one lucky enough to see it. Dan was the lucky one on Wednesday when he saw a young moose. He even got a photo to prove it. Of course, the chipmunks entertained us all week.
SEVEN delicious dinners. We started our vacation with Grif's yummy taco soup. We ate our way through jambalaya, lasagna, steaks, and more. Twice Grif made us apple fritters for breakfast. (It's tradition!) I think I will be spending some quality time with my elliptical next week!
EIGHT cool creek crossings (and one really nasty one). The creek that we crossed on Sunday was deeper by Wednesday, but it was still my favorite. It was deep enough on Wednesday that it splashed my backside and deposited water in my shoe, even though my feet were up on the front fenders, not in the foot wells. The nasty crossing is a "grin-and-bear-it" means to an end - the bottom of a granite quarry.
NINE pounds of bacon. Because apparently no one wanted to run out of bacon...
FIFTY-ONE weeks til next year's trip!