There are two great things that stand out in my mind concerning Montana springs ~ baby animals and green hills covered with a profusion of colorful wildflowers. While out 4-wheeling today, we didn't see any baby animals, but there was no lack of wildflowers. It was while I was down on one knee photographing said flowers that this blog title came to mind. (It is actually from one of my Stampin' Up sets... "It's the little things that make life BIG!") That was very true today. It was great just to take all the time we wanted and just forget that there is a "real" world somewhere down there in the valley!
Dan was so very patient while I went from one group of flowers to another, almost like the bumblebee that just wouldn't stay in one spot for half a second so that I could take a picture. (Okay, MAYBE the Cheetoes bribe worked. Haha!)
Unfortunately, spring doesn't last long in Montana, and neither do the green grass and wildflowers. Summer heat, dry vegetation, and fire season will be upon us before we know it, so I was very glad for the opportunity to get out and enjoy the just-right temperatures and God's beautiful creation.
Until next time, here are some "little things" for your viewing pleasure. I am hoping that next weekend will yield some baby animal pictures, so stay tuned...