Due to technical difficulties, this is a week old, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
When we left the house Friday morning, we were going to go down to the East Rosebud drainage, looking for eagles and moose. But a dysfunctional gas pump changed all that. We planned to fill up the truck in Fishtail, but now we were going to have to go into Red Lodge to get fuel before going back to East Rosebud.
Cattails on Greenough Lake |
If the ice held me... |
Since we were already in Red Lodge, I suggested that we drive as far as we could up the Beartooth Highway and see if we could spot an elk or a moose. (We had already seen four eagles.) We detoured off the highway into the Rock Creek Campground for a few pictures of the creek and the mountains. We met a young man coming out who said that he had hiked to Greenough Lake and seen a couple of foxes and possibly some mountain lion tracks. Obviously, Dan was intrigued, so we set out on foot. We didn't see either the foxes or the cat, but we did hear a coyote yip and howl. At one point, the trail that we were on and the road to the Glacier Lake Trailhead were separated by scarcely more than the creek, so Dan decided that we should go back to the truck by way of the road, rather than backtracking the way we came. We therefore crossed the frozen creek (he more confidently than me!), and returned to the truck.
The trip home offered photo opportunities for two more bald eagles, a golden eagle (I think), and a beautiful sunset.
To be continued...